

Fundraising is such an important part of the Walk for Autism!

Your fundraising efforts help support the many programs provided through our Autism Services Program!


Congrats to our Team Winners!!

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“Where does my money go?”

Here are just a few examples of how your donation can help our families.

$500- Provide yearly on-going training for First Responders, community service providers and day care staff on successful interaction strategies when supporting individuals with autism in our community

$315 – Allows a parent to attend 5 Autism Training sessions

$165 – Can provide a family with a crib and mattress

$150 – Will send a child to a Sibling Support session

$50 – Provides one Personal Hygiene or Toilet Training Toolkit for a family needing to support their child’s self-help skills

$35 – Provides a family with an autism parent tool box

No amount is too large or too small.

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Any Baby Can’s 15th Annual Walk for Autism and Superhero 5K on CrowdRise
