Mission and History
The mission of Any Baby Can is to serve families with children and youth facing serious health or developmental challenges.
We believe…
The child can be saved without losing the family
The family and child are part of a dynamic system and our focus is on the needs of the family, all of which either directly or indirectly affect the child. In serving the family, we serve the child.
In a world of complex and fast pace medicine, families of children who are chronically and critically ill should have access to support
Our local complex system of health care and human services offers a wealth of assistance. Unfortunately, navigating this service system can be an overwhelming task for many families. We believe that with support, encouragement, and assistance, families can overcome any obstacles they face.
Every child deserves a chance at a better life
All children should be accepted, appreciated, and loved; receive proper nutrition, adequate health care, education, and all the things that will give him or her a chance for a healthy life.
All children can reach their full potential
Children born with a chronic illness, complex medical needs, or other special needs are entitled to a happy, full life and, given the needed resources, will reach their maximum potential.
History of Any Baby Can
In 1982 Marian Sokol, Ph.D., a special needs teacher, saw a great need among the families she served. With a small grant and in a trailer behind Santa Rosa Hospital, she began her mission of helping families with children who had a chronic illness, disability or developmental delay.
To her surprise she received over 500 phone calls for help within the first six months and realized there was indeed a great need in this community for case management support and information on how families could receive help in time of hardship. Fast forward 30 years later and here Any Baby Can is today still doing much of what Dr. Sokol did but with expanded services to address the ever-growing needs in our community.
Click here for a list of services offered by Any Baby Can.